Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Vispo Bible - the books of John 1, 2 and 3 now available from the Blasted Tree

Thanks to Kyle of the Blasted Tree for making this beautiful chapbook. You can order it here.

Publications from the Vispo Bible include
Ruth, Simulacrum Press, 2018, Hamilton, Ontario
Mark, above/ground press, 2018, Ottawa, Ontario
Esther, Puddles of Sky Press, 2017, Kingston, Ontario
Revelation 20, No Press, 2017, Calgary, Alberta
Leviticus XII, Penteract Press, 2017 UK

with Revelation forthcoming from Timglaset Press, Sweden, and Romans from where is the river, Toronto, Ontario.

Additional individual pieces have appeared in h&; our teeth, illiterature, Brave New Word (Ukraine), Dreamland Magazine, untethered,,  Chaudiere Books NPM 2018, and ToCall Magazine in Germany, and are forthing coming in not your best visual poetry from knife fork book.

Revelation 19 and 20 will be exhibited as part of the Concrete is Pourous show in Toronto between November 3, 2018 and February 26, 2019 at the Secret Handshake Gallery, and will move to the Common Ground Gallery in Windsor afterward.

Thank you to the Ontario Arts Council 2018 Recommender Grant for Writers program for funding part of the creation of the Vispo Bible this year.

Amanda Earl’s visual poetry has been exhibited in Canada, Brazil and Russia, and published in the last vispo: anthology: visual poetry 1998-2008 (Fantagraphics, 2012), Of the Body, (Puddles of Sky Press, 2012), Bone Sapling, a collaboration with Gary Barwin, (AngelHousePress, 2014), a field guide to fanciful bugs, (avantacular press, 2010),  Montparnasse: this is visual poetry, (chapbook publisher, 2010) and in the magazines, untethered (2017) and dreamland (2016). Amanda's visual poetry also appears in online journals, Brave New Word, Angry Old Man, Ustanga, h&, Our Teeth otoliths, tip of the knife, ffooom, the new post literate,, DrunkenBoat, and the Bleed. Gary Barwin gave a lovely write up of Amanda's visual poetry on Jacket2, "What kind of [sic] sense is that?: Amanda Earl & the synaesthesia of reading" (June, 2013). For more vispo, please visit