Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Vispo Bible: Judges completed

 Today I completed all 21 chapters of Judges from the Old Testament. For each chapter I create an individual visual poem. I began it in July. I have now completed the translation of 319 pages of the Bible into visual poetry since I began the project in the summer of 2015. Or 319 visual poems. For more information, please go to my vispo blog.

rectangles with manipulated text from Judges, The Bible, in red, gold and black
Judges 21, The Vispo Bible

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The Vispo Bible: Leviticus is now available from Sigilist Press


open pages of visual poetry

Thank you to Andrew Brenza of Sigilist Press for publishing Levitcus from the Vispo Bible. 

You can order copies here!

If you'd like more information about the Vispo Bible, a life's work begun in 2015 to translate every chapter, book and verse of the Bible, please go to my visual poetry blog here

logo of Sigilist press

Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Vispo Bible: Judges from the Old Testament begun

 I have begun a new book from the Bible as part of the Vispo Bible. This is Judges 1. Judges has 36 chapters, which means I will create 36 visual poems, as is my practice so far. The word "judge" for me is gold, in keeping with my grapheme synaesthesia. I am doing all of the 36 visual poems in a combination of black, red and gold.

I began the Vispo Bible in 2015 as a life's work to translate every book, chapter and verse of the Bible into visual poetry. My latest publication is Genesis,  a book published by Timglaset Editions in 2022 and still available.

More information is available here. 

Stay tuned for more publication news soon!

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Genesis is now available from Timglaset Editions

book with rust oxide cover and the words Amanda Earl on top left, Genesis on top right and The Vispo Bible on bottom right

 Genesis was the first book from the Bible that I began working on for the Vispo Bible in 2015. It has 50 chapters so there are 50 visual poems.  I'm very pleased that Joakim Norling of Timglaset Editions has published the book. This is my first visual poetry book with a spine! You can purchase from Timglaset Editions here.

Sunday, June 26, 2022


text of 2 Corinthians 1 from the New Testament manipulated into a visual poem

I completed 1 CORINTHIANS earlier this year. 2 CORINTHIANS  has a mere 13 chapters, so all being well, it will be completed shortly. I feel like adding a little colour so this is what i'm doing for 2 COR.

With the news of the overturning of Roe v Wade by the US Supreme Court, it feels particularly necessary to disrupt, manipulate, deform texts from the Bible. We are in a war against patriarchy, white supremacy, theocracy and capitalism. The Vispo Bible is a defiant feminist work that I began in 2015. It is a cathartic process for me to work with the Bible in this way. 

For more information about the Vispo Bible, please go here.


Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Vispo Bible: information, publications, exhibitions (as of July 22, 2022)


1. The Vispo Bible: One Woman Recreates the Bible as Visual Poetrypresented as part of Kanada Koncrete Material Poetries in the Digital Age, University of Ottawa, May 4-6, 2018

This is my general overview of the project.

2. The powerpoint presentation of the work included in the talk. I've done more pieces since, but this is the bulk of the work.

3. Glue, String and Binder Rings, an essay I wrote on how various publishers are responding to the challenge of publishing the Vispo Bible in print was published in the Babel Tower Notice Board. BTNB is now defunct alas.  Hem Press has provided the entire archive as a free pdf. You can get it here.
4. YouTube Videos


Acts 2 - layer by layer

5 Books, Chapbooks and Broadsides

6. Anthologies

Judith: Women Making Visual Poetry (Timglaset Editions, 2021)

WAAVe Global Gallery 2020 (Hysterical Books, 2021)

7. Print Magazines


The Pi Review (August, 2020)

Streetcake Magazine Issue 68, Part 1 (August, 2020)

Escapisms, Poem Atlas (May 15 to June 5, 2020)

Translations, Mellom Press (May 11 to June 9, 2020)

University of Ottawa, English Department presentation by Claire Farley, 2016


Katy Wimhurst, A Review of Amanda Earl's Genesis, Mercurius Magazine, February 11, 2023