Monday, December 20, 2021

A Celestial Warrior from Welcome to Upper Zygonia appears in R is for Revolution


Thanks to Tchello d'Barros for including my collage, A Celestial Warrior of the Zygonian Galaxy in R is for Revolution in the Visual Poetry Museum on Facebook. The exhibitions features 111 artists from 30 countries. I am the only Canadian.

From Tchello:


The participating artists responded - with their works - to the following provocation: “Is there currently space for revolutions? Is there in your heart any revolt against the current status quo? Do we need to change something on our street or in global geopolitics? Will humanity witness any (r)evolution in this century? Can art be a weapon to transform consciences? You don't need to answer these questions, but your art can tell us a little about your imaginary combatant. The project is also a tribute to the bicentennial of the South American revolutionary Anita Garibaldi (1821-1849), the ‘heroine of 2 worlds’. Anita was an amazon, wife, mother, guerriller and revolutionary, fighting in 4 wars in Brazil, Uruguay and Italy. You may choose creat your art under Anita’s miyth, with her figure, name or history!”

 According to the curator,  "this exhibition presents part of the imagination of artists from all continents from their worldview to the theme "Revolution". If in the 19th century the Brazilian guerrilla Anita Garibaldi fought for freedom in South America and Europe, today we have our demands for change, whether on our street or in global geopolitics. May art be as contemporary as the everyday revolutions in our consciences".



ARGENTINA: Alejandra Bocquel - Amelia Vilches - Ana Verónica Suárez - Catanzaro Claudia - Hilda Paz - Ma. Angélica Carter Morales - Norberto José Martinez – Omaromar - Patricia Negreira - Raquel Gociol - Rosa Gravino - Walter Brovia |  AUSTRALIA: Denis Smith | AUSTRIA: Piroska Horváth | BELGIUM: Luc Fierens - Renaat Ramon | BRASIL: Al-Chaer - Alex Hamburger – Almandrade - Frdipinto Constança Lucas - Denise Moraes - Eni Ilis - Gringo Carioca Franklin Valverde - Guto Lacaz - Hugo Pontes - Iara Abreu - Ivana Andrés - Jairo Fará - Janys Oliveira - Joaquim Branco - Maria De Lourdes Rabello Villares - Maria Tereza Penna - Marisa Vidigal - Mercedes Brandão - Roberto Keppler - Rosana Schmitt - Rui Costa Marques - Tchello d'Barros - Yolanda Freyre | CANADA: Amanda Earl | CHILE: Emilio López Gelcich | COLOMBIA: Ariel Chavarro Avila - Maskin - Tulio Restrepo | DENMARK: Marina Salmaso | FINLAND: Anja Matilla-Tolvanen |  FRANCE: Cristophe Massé - Katerina Mandarik | GERMANY: Hans Braumueller & Ruggero Maggi - Horst Tress - Klaus Pinter | GREECE: Petala Eftichia | HUNGARY: József Bíró - Márton Koppány | ITALY: Angela Caporaso - Bruno Chiarlone - Cinzia Farina - Claudio Romeo - Cosma Tosca Bolgiani - Enzo Correnti - Enzo Patti - Franco Panella - Ljdia Musso - Mariano Lo Gerfo - Maya Lopez Muro - Morice Marcuse Carrara - Oronzo Liuzzi - Roberto Scala - Ruggero Maggi - Serse Luigetti | IRAN: Elham Hamedi | JAPAN: Keigo Hara | LATVIA: Gundega Strautmane | MEXICO: Elodia Corona Meneses - Gema Rios - Mac Ilhui - Persefone Manuel Oreste Suárez - Sergio Araht |  PERU: Liesel Cerna - Victor Valqui Vidal | POLAND: Miron Tee | PORTUGAL: António Barros - Avelino Rocha - Feliciano De Mira - Marcela Santos - Vanessa Bastos | RUSSIA: Alexander Limarev - Irina Novikova | SERBIA: Dejan Bogojevic | SPAIN: Àlex Monfort - Alfonso Aguado Ortuño - Daniel De Cullá - Francisco Sánchez Luz - Ferran Destemple - José L. Campal - Miguel Jimenez - Sabela Baña - Victoria Esgueva | SWITZERLAND: Bruno Schlatter | URUGUAI: Clemente Padin | USA: C. Mehrl Bennet - Joey Patrickt - John M. Bennet - Nico Vassilakis - Reid Wood - Rosalie Gancie | UNITED KINGDOM: Lola Gonzáles | VENEZUELA: ­_Guroga



Mail Art exhibition ‘‘R for Revolution”

Curatorship: Tchello d’Barros | Brasil 

Executing Entity: Visual Poetry Museum

Production: Instituto Cultural Tchello d’Barros

Opening: 18 December 2021  

Visit period: 18-31 december.2021 

Site: Visual Poetry Museum’s community in Facebook




Tchello d’Barros

Curator | “R for Revolution”

Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

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